Thursday, July 12, 2007

July, 10th - A variation, a reply

Our book is written like a summer’s day,
Hearty its weather, inviting its length,
Its chapters are running showers-like way:
Their short stormy course is mending out strength.

And yet as fine as the sunny-locked bright
Daylight of writing beholds its contents,
A page in the centre is always in fright
That read and then turned, is where it all ends.

And when we are moving at life’s rapid speed
Dew also wanes off the grass that rays kiss –
The instant of time, once gone, yes, we need
Unweather’d astuteness to think of the bliss.

But when we turn pages, they don’t fall apart
They rest in this book and some in our heart.


March 12th, 2007 - Paula's Birthday

A book is written in a certain way
Garnished with chapters like flowers in May
Robust in structure, appealing in form,
With many conclusions after the storm

And yet, beyond the silent cheer
Of words, hidden is drama under the dust
A page in the middle is always in fear
That once turned, she is left in the past

We are always traveling at the speed
Of life, with diminished regard for this
Moment of time; once it is gone we need
All the memories to harvest the bliss

You turn the page and all is left behind
It vanished? No – it’s all in your mind.


Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Father's day 2007

Intr-o familie de poeti,

Pontosi, hazlii si iubareti,

Gasim la S. un arhetip

Ce pot sa spun fara tertip,

Ca-l face'un foarte "chic" tatic

Usor sa-i scrii un limerick"

ceva secret

(For my Mom's Birthday 2007)

Am gasit o rima
care este prima
la nord de ecluza
pe ipotenuza;
s-a dus Menelaus
sa-i dea un raport
despre o secanta
ceva cam iritanta
de ipoteza blatanta
ca Intersecteaza tort

Cum fiecare tema
are o problema
ce pune o dilema,
Ceva nu-i convine
si se-ntreaba-n sine:

De ce oare rima
s-a dus prima la Gauss
si-apoi la Menelaus
cand de fapt secretul
stie tot parchetul
de-l are cineva
acela e Ceva.